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Virtual International Symposium on Jainism and Mathematics

Saturday  12th December 2020
Sunday 13th December 2020
Monday 14th December 2020

Webinar Time: From 7:30 PM to 10:45 PM (IST) | From 9:00 AM to 12:15 PM (EST)

Program Details

Time Slot No. Eastern Standard Day Time (EST-USA) Indian Standard Time (IST) First Day  Session Chair: Manoj Jain (To be introduced by Haresh Tamboli)
1 9:00 AM 7:30 PM (1) JCGB President Haresh Tamboli:  Welcome;  (2) Dr. Manoj Jain as the MC;  (3) Preeti Jain – Opening ceremony  (4) Blessings from Acharya Shri Vijay Nandighoshsuriji
2 9:15 AM 7:45 PM  Dr. Anupam Jain: Brief Introduction  of the topics
3 9:35 AM 8:05 PM Dr. S.G. Dani, Mumbai – Jaina Geometry, its uniqueness and influence on other traditions
4 9:55 AM 8:25 PM Prof. R.S. Shah, Pune – Evolution and Development of Mathematical ideas through Jaina Scriptures
5 10:15 AM 8:45 PM Prof. Rajmal Jain, Ahemdabad – Measurement of Space and Time in Mayan and Jain traditions
6 10:35 AM 9:05 PM Dr. Pragati Jain, Manavar & Dr. Anupam Jain, Indore – Set theoretical approach in the Dhavalå commentary
7 10:55 AM 9:25 PM Dr. Omkar Lal Shrivastava & Sumita Shrivastava, Rajnandgaon – Mersenne Primes in the Trilokasara and Gommatasara
8 11:15 AM 9:45 PM Acharya Shree Vijay Nandighoshsuriji Maharaj – Zero : An Enigma
9 11:35 AM 10:05 PM Dr. Kanti V. Mardia and Dr. Anthony J. Ruda – Some aspects of Jain Logic and Statistical Thinking
10 11:55 AM 10:25 PM Dr. Anupam Jash – Ancient Jain Mathematical Thought : The Logic of Saptabha½gînaya
11 12:15 PM 10:45 PM Dr. Jitendra K Sharma, Indore and Dr. Anupam Jain, Indore- Concept of Infinities in Jaina Literature
12 12:35 PM 11:05 PM First Day Summary by Dr. Devavrata Shah
Time Slot No. Eastern Standard Day Time (EST-USA) Indian Standard Time (IST) Second Day Session Chair:  Dr. Catherine Singh (To be Introduced by Dr. Sulekh Jain)
1 9:00 AM 7:30 PM Prof. Peter Flugel: Keynote Speaker’s Remarks
2 9:15 AM 7:45 PM Second Day:  Dr. Anupam Jain: Brief Introduction of the topics
3 9:35 AM 8:05 PM Dr. P Devaraj, Kerela – Mahaviracharya’s Ganitasara Sangraha
4 9:55 AM 8:25 PM Dr. S.K. Uma, Bengaluru – Indeterminate equations of first order (kuṭṭaka) and the second order (vargaprakâtî) and solutions by Mahåvîråcårya in comparison with other Indian Mathematics
5 10:15 AM 8:45 PM Dr. N. Shivakumar, Bengaluru – Mahåvîråcåryå’s contribution to Mathematics : The Kuṭṭîkåra equations
6 10:35 AM 9:05 PM Dr. Rupa K and Dr. S K Uma, Bengaluru – Geometry in Mahāvīrācārya‘s Gaṇitasārasaṅgraha (GSS); A Comparison with other Indian Contributions
7 10:55 AM 9:25 PM Dr. Padmaja Venugopal and others, Bengaluru – Mahavīrā’s expression for circumference of ellipse-
8 11:15 AM 9:45 PM Prof. Balram Singh; Karma Vibrations of Consciousness for Mathematical Estimation of Consciousness
9 11:35 AM 10:05 PM Dr. Jayant Acharya – Square and Cube Roots
10 11:55 AM 10:25 PM No Show
11 12:15 PM 10:45 PM Dr. Anupam Jain and Nisha Jain, Indore -Treasure of Ancient Jain Mathematical Wisdom
12 12:35 PM 11:05 PM Summary of the day by Dr. Catherine Singh
Time Slot No. Eastern Standard Day Time (EST-USA) Indian Standard Time (IST) Third Day Session Chair:  Dr. Ken Pugh (To be introduced by Dr. Suekh Jian)
1 9:00 AM 7:30 PM Dr. Anupam Jain: Brief Introduction of the topics
2 9:15 AM 7:45 PM Dr. S.C. Agrawal, Meerut – From One to Infinity in Ancient Civilizations and how Jaina Beliefs shaped early Mathematics
3 9:35 AM 8:05 PM Dr. Paras Mal Agrawal, Ujjain and Dr. Renu Jain, Indore – Some concepts of statics, dynamics and quantum theory in Jain scriptures
4 9:55 AM 8:25 PM Er. Anil Kumar Jain, Indore – ‘Siribhuvalaya’: A Unique scripture crafted with Modern Cryptography
5 10:15 AM 8:45 PM Dr. Chhaya Seth, Bengaluru – ‘Siribhuvalaya’
6 10:35 AM 9:05 PM Er. Pankajkumar K Shah – Nak¼atras and Yogtårås in Jain Mathematical Astronomy
7 10:55 AM 9:25 PM Dr. Shrenik Bandi, Indore – Calendar (Pañcå½ga) System in Jaina Tradition
8 11:15 AM 9:45 PM Dr. Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Canada – Relation of Pascal’s Triangle to Jain-Hindu Geography and Astronomy
9 11:35 AM 10:05 PM Dr. Trapti Jain, Shajapur – Confluence of Mathematics of Karma and Human Psychology
10 11:55 AM 10:25 PM Summary and Panel Discussion Day:   Dr. Surender Jain
11 12:15 PM 10:45 PM Thanks and Brief Discussion on future Plan by: Dr. Sulekh Jain, Dr. Manoj Jain and Pankaj Shah


Jain Associations in North America (JAINA)

The Jain Center of Greater Boston (JCGB)

Sir John Templeton Foundation

Uberoi Foundation


Jain philosophy, having always had a pragmatic and empirical view of natural phenomena, espouses the belief that the Universe operates based on certain laws which are inviolable. In this sense it is very similar to current scientific principles. In the ancient Jain literature (400 BC – 800 AD), there are numerous advanced mathematical treatises like set theory, theory of series and sequences, combinatorics, logarithms, number theory, early algebra and trigonometry, varied concepts of infinite numbers, applications of zeros, astronomy, and logic systems.  In the last 100 years, many Indian and non-Indian scholars have performed voluminous research studying varied mathematical topics presented in the ancient Jain scriptures and Jain oral traditions, dating back to 1000 – 2400 years ago. The purpose of this symposium is to elaborate upon new areas of research in the field of Jaina mathematics and to highlight the distinct features of Jaina mathematics in ancient Jain scriptures.

We would like see some papers on transmission between Arabic, Greek, Chinese, and Jain mathematics;  unpublished Jain mathematical texts in Tamil, Kannada, and other Indian languages and their antiquity; Jain number theory and its uniqueness; earliest positional notations, Jaina concept of infinity and modern infinity; unique and independent contributions of Jain mathematics in the outside world.

 Other essays and papers which have discussions on topics such as zeros, number theory, positional numeration in the earlier compiled scriptures or oral traditions are also welcome.


Organizing Committee:

Pankajkumar K Shah, Boston, USA;
Dr. Sulekh Jain, Las Vegas, USA;
Dr. Manoj Jain, Emory Univ. USA;
Dr. Anupam Jain, Indore, India;
Dr. Devavrat Shah, MIT, USA


Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC)

Dr. Catherine Morice-Singh, Paris, France
Dr. Ken Pugh, Yale Univ. USA
Dr. Surender K Jain, Ohio Univ. USA



Mahesh Wadher, Los Angeles, President

JAINA-Long Range Planning Committee

JAINA-Academic Liaison Committee


Jain Center of Greater Boston

Haresh Tamboli,
Boston, President


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